Dear All,
Continuing with our regular EuCAPT newsletters for 2022, this is our (slightly
belated) April issue. Our newsletter aims to keep you informed of recent/upcoming
theoretical astroparticle physics related developments, with a focus on Europe.
Interview on Scientific Impacts of Russian Invasion of Ukraine:
Invitation to Join EuCAPT Council:
the deadline for this is 16th May 2022
Next EuCAPT Colloquium:
`Gravitational waves and multi-messenger astrophysics', Marica Branchesi,Gran Sasso Science Institute, 3pm CET, Tue 10th May 2022. zoom connection
Upcoming EuCAPT Colloquia Timetable:
Upcoming Seminars Calendar:
A list of virtual meetings are provided on our calendar:
Upcoming Events:
The EuCAPT webpage provides an up-to-date list of upcoming astroparticle
physics events:
Of particular note are:
The 2022 EuCAPT symposium, 23-25 May 2022:
International Symposium on Gamma-Ray Astronomy, Barcelona, 4-8 July 2022
The European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Nijmegen (Hybrid) 25-29 July 2022
TeVPA 2022, Kingston, Ontario, 8-12 Aug
International Symposium on Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays, L'Aquila, 3-7 Oct 2022
Upcoming European Summer Schools in 2022: Enrico Fermi International School of Physics, Como 23-29 June 2022
NBIA PhD Summer School on Neutrinos, Copenhagen 11-15 July 2022
Job Opportunities:
Our mattermost channel provides a list of job advertisements:
To facilitate information flow around our community, please feel to contact us with any information that you feel maybe suitable for circulation in future newsletters ( In particular, we encourage the community to indicate to us upcoming conferences and events which they would like us to advertise.
All the best,
Andrew (on behalf of the EuCAPT SC)