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December Newsletter (the pulse!)

Dear All,

Continuing our regular EuCAPT newsletters, this is our December issue.

Our newsletter aims to keep you informed of recent/upcoming theoretical astroparticle physics related developments, with a focus on Europe.

Next EuCAPT Colloquium:

`Gravitational waves as a probe of early universe phase transitions', David Weir, University of Helsinki, 3pm CET, Tue 11th Jan 2022.

Upcoming EuCAPT Colloquia Timetable:

Upcoming Events:

The EuCAPT webpage provides an up-to-date list of upcoming astroparticle

Please note in particular the upcoming schools in Spring 2022:GGI PhD School: Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation, Florence 14-25 March 2022

ISAPP School: Astrophysical sources of cosmic rays, Paris Saclay 28 March - 8 April 2022

Upcoming Seminars Calendar:

A list of virtual meetings are provided on our calendar:

Discussion Forum

We invite you to join our EuCAPT discussion forum on mattermost:

This has been set up to facilitate open discussion within our EuCAPT community.

Job Opportunities:

Our mattermost channel provides a list of job advertisements:

In particular, please note two assistant professor positions in basic science (including astroparticle physics):

To facilitate information flow around our community, please feel to contact us with any information that you feel maybe suitable for circulation in future newsletters ( In particular, we encourage the community to indicate to us upcoming conferences and events which they would like us to advertise.

All the best (and a happy Christmas break to you all),

Andrew (on behalf of the EuCAPT SC)


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