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June Newsletter

Dear All,

Continuing our regular EuCAPT newsletters, this is our June issue.

The newsletter aim here is to keep you informed of recent/upcoming

theoretical astroparticle physics related developments, with focus on Europe.

General EuCAPT News:

EuCAPT white paper: (preparatory activities for this presently taking place in EuCAPT mattermost channel + related channels mentioned there) EuCAPT Astroneutrino Theory Workshop 2021 (20 Sep- 1 Oct) Recent Press Releases: The first multi-day and and multi-TeV detection of a GRB at very high energies: ....and a short animation describing GRB physics:

Upcoming Events/Conferences/Workshops:

The EuCAPT webpage provides an up-to-date list of upcoming astroparticle

Please note in particular the upcoming meetings: (15-31 July, ICRC, Germany) (26-30 July 2021, EPS-HEP Conference) (26 Aug- 3 Sep 2021, TAUP2021)

Upcoming Seminars Calendar:

A list of virtual meetings are provided on our calendar:

2021 Summer Schools:

NBIA International PhD Summer School on Neutrinos, Copenhagen (5-9 Jul):

ISAPP 2021, Neutrino Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology, Valencia (22-30 Jul):

Les Houches Summer School on Dark Matter (26 Jul- 20 Aug):

International Neutrino Summer School, CERN (2-13 Aug):

Training Possibilties

If you wish to post information about training opportunities for students or young

researchers (summer and winter schools, PhD or postdoctoral openings, etc), please

send us an email with the relevant information to the address

(with “training” in the subject).

Discussion Forum

We invite you to join our EuCAPT discussion forum on mattermost:

This has been set up to facilitate open discussion within our EuCAPT community.

Job Opportunities:

Our mattermost channel provides a list of job advertisements:

To facilitate information flow around our community, please feel to contact us with any information that you feel maybe suitable for circulation in future newsletters ( In particular, we encourage the community to indicate to us upcoming conferences and events which they would like us to advertise.

All the best,

Andrew (on behalf of the EuCAPT SC)


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