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October EuCAPT newsletter (the pulse!)

Continuing our regular EuCAPT newsletters, this is our October issue.

The newsletter is aimed at keeping you informed of recent/upcoming

theoretical astroparticle physics related developments, with focus on Europe.

General News:

The new date for the Inaugural EuCAPT Symposium is

5-7 May 2021 (a hybrid format is planned).

Recent Press Releases:

Recent months have seen quite a few major astroparticle physics results:

Of particular note are:

Upcoming Events:

The EuCAPT webpage provides an up-to-date list of upcoming astroparticle

physics events:

Upcoming Seminars Calendar:

We now provide a virtual meetings calendar to help advertise relevant

upcoming meetings:

(if you wish additional events to be added, please contact us)

Discussion Forum

We invite you to join our EuCAPT discussion forum on mattermost: link.

This has been set up to facilitate open discussion within our EuCAPT community.

Job Opportunities:

We appreciate that these are difficult times, and that there's a strong need

to have efficient information flow around the community. With this in mind please feel

to contact us with any information that you feel may be suitable for circulation

in future newsletters (


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