It's a pleasure to kick-off our monthly EuCAPT newsletters, which will be sent out around 22nd of each month. The aim of these newsletters is to keep you efficiently informed of recent/upcoming theoretical astroparticle physics related developments in Europe.
General News:
EuCAPT symposium -- due to the present Covid-19 pandemic situation, our first symposium has now been postponed. We are presently arranging for this meeting to be moved to Spring next year (in a likely hybrid format - more information soon to follow).
Recent Press Releases:
Summer 2020 has seen quite a few major astroparticle physics results:
I take advantage to note a few results specifically:
Upcoming Events:
The EuCAPT webpage provides an up-to-date list of upcoming European astroparticle physics events:
Additionally, we would like to highlight:
"Virtual Axion Institute"- mattermost discussion forum (+ recorded presentations)
Upcoming Seminars:
Similarly, the EuCAPT webpage provides an up-to-date list of upcoming astroparticle physics seminars scheduled in Europe:
If you would like to add a seminar series to this list, please contact
Please also note the interesting broad audience talks:
"Mistakes on the way to a good idea: Peccei-Quinn Symmetry. A tribute to Roberto Peccei” (24 Sep @6pm CET):
"Two-body dynamics and gravitational waves in general relativity" (28 Sep @9am CET- registration necessary)
Job Opportunities:
Call for EuCAPT Volunteer, (PhD or postdoc)- the deadline for applicants is 18th Oct (those interested should contact
We appreciate that the current times are rather testing, and that there's a strong need to have efficient information flow around the community. With this in mind please feel to contact us on particular information that you feel would be suitable for circulation in future newsletters (